


Impermeabilizzazione poliurea 4 - Stevanato | Soluzioni per umidità e infiltrazioni
Impermeabilizzazione poliurea 3 - Stevanato | Soluzioni per umidità e infiltrazioni
Impermeabilizzazione poliurea 2 - Stevanato | Soluzioni per umidità e infiltrazioni
Impermeabilizzazione poliurea - Stevanato | Soluzioni per umidità e infiltrazioni

In the fight against water infiltration, Stevanato had the chance to specialize also in the waterproofing with polyurea.
For this purpose, it uses one of the most modern existing materials: a resin-based sheath that is used by spraying, is rapidly hardened, is waterproof and contains no solvents.
This waterproofing can be hot sprayed with suitable pumps or applied cold using a roller, brush or sprayed.


The waterproofing with polyurea is perfectly adherent, therefore achievable on difficult surfaces such as:

  • steel
  • concrete
  • reinforced concrete
  • terracotta
  • iron
  • bituminous sheaths
  • stoneware
  • wood
  • grit tiles
  • spray polyurethane or panels
  • polystyrene

The polyurea is applied by using a high pressure and high temperature bi-mixer pump. As soon as the mixture is sprayed, it catalyzes within a few seconds.

During the waterproofing operations with polyurea, the application surface is checked beforehand and it must preferably be rough and dry (maximum humidity 15%). Otherwise, it is prepared in order to obtain a perfect adherence of the new applied material, such as by spreading a primer coat before the application, with the exception of the old bituminous sheaths.

The fields of application of waterproofing with polyurea are:

  • walkable or drivable plains
  • outdoor and indoor industrial floors
  • primary containment tanks for purifiers, underground or above ground
  • anticorrosive coating for secondary containment tanks for special plants
  • sidewalks, tunnels, road bridges
  • open-air fluvial channels
  • swimming pools and hot tubs
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